// EAGLView.h
// Test
// Created by Julio Cruz on 3/31/10.
// Copyright Red Fox Software 2009. All rights reserved.
#import "GLTexture.h"
This class wraps the CAEAGLLayer from CoreAnimation into a convenient UIView subclass.
The view content is basically an EAGL surface you render your OpenGL scene into.
Note that setting the view non-opaque will only work if the EAGL surface has an alpha channel.
@interface EAGLView : UIView {
/* The pixel dimensions of the backbuffer */
GLint backingWidth;
GLint backingHeight;
EAGLContext *context;
/* OpenGL names for the renderbuffer and framebuffers used to render to this view */
GLuint viewRenderbuffer, viewFramebuffer;
/* OpenGL name for the depth buffer that is attached to viewFramebuffer, if it exists (0 if it does not exist) */
GLuint depthRenderbuffer;
NSTimer *animationTimer;
NSTimeInterval animationInterval;
// Create texture image.
GLTexture *diamond[6];
@property NSTimeInterval animationInterval;
- (void)startAnimation;
- (void)stopAnimation;
- (void)drawView;
// Define the space to hold the global variables for the frame counter
unsigned int frameCounter;
double totalRenderingTime;
We are going to determine the first frame we have display on our OpenGL screen image and get the current time for our program later on we must determine the starting time and end time to determine our total rendering time. For example source code:
- (void)drawView {
#ifdef DEBUG
double startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
glBindFramebufferOES(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES, viewFramebuffer);
glViewport(0, 0, backingWidth, backingHeight);
// Draw game scene
glBindRenderbufferOES(GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES, viewRenderbuffer);
[context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES];
#ifdef DEBUG
double endTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
totalRenderingTime += (endTime - startTime);
With CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() function we can obviously determine the current time or our start time. After the game draws the current frame we must store our ending time frame. Later on we must determine the render time or the total frames that we have taken to draw to the screen. This sounds fun and easy however we must now determine when our user wants to tap our screen to see the sprites to animate. For this type of functionality we have to write a touch function:
// Detect touches of the user and animate sprite image.
#pragma mark -
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint point = [touch locationInView: self];
if(point.x >= 0 && point.x <= 160)
if(point.y >= 0 && point.y <= 480)
// Init images
switch (frameCounter) {
case 1:
diamond[frameCounter] = [[GLTexture alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"linklookup.png"]];
[diamond[frameCounter] drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.width, diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.height)];
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d", frameCounter);
case 2:
diamond[frameCounter] = [[GLTexture alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"linklookdown.png"]];
[diamond[frameCounter] drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.width, diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.height)];
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d", frameCounter);
case 3:
diamond[frameCounter] = [[GLTexture alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"linklookdown1.png"]];
[diamond[frameCounter] drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.width, diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.height)];
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d", frameCounter);
case 4:
diamond[frameCounter] = [[GLTexture alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"linklookleft.png"]];
[diamond[frameCounter] drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.width, diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.height)];
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d", frameCounter);
case 5:
diamond[frameCounter] = [[GLTexture alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"linklookright.png"]];
[diamond[frameCounter] drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.width, diamond[frameCounter].contentSize.height)];
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d", frameCounter);
case 6:
frameCounter = 0;
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d", frameCounter);
NSLog(@"Frame Counter: %d",frameCounter);